The India International Animation and Cartoon Film Festival (IIACFF) was held in New Delhi on October 1, 2015, with Javeed Jaffrey as the festival’s brand ambassador. This festival aimed to revolutionize the animation industry in India, providing a platform for filmmakers who specialize in animation and visual effect movies.
The festival served as a platform for students to showcase their work in front of an audience of eminent jury members. The jury consisted of both international and national figures, providing a unique opportunity for young and aspiring animators to gain valuable feedback and recognition for their work.
In addition to providing opportunities for professionals and students, the festival also emphasized on youth and involved school students in the field of animation. This approach aimed to inspire and motivate younger generations to pursue their passion in animation and visual effects, thus contributing to the growth and development of the industry in India. Overall, the IIACFF played an important role in changing the scenario of the animation industry in India and encouraging young talent to pursue their dreams in this exciting field.
The festival also aims to recognize the efforts of different participants in various categories and leading participants may be awarded employment contracts. Talk shows by eminent animators, movie directors and quiz event shall be organized along with workshops on cartoon and animation during the festival period of 6 days. Two other very unique competition ( Cartoonish theatre competition and Cartoonist or Animated character fashion show competition ) are also a part of the event. India International Animation And Cartoon Film Festival also encourage the parents to attend and can gain knowledge about animation and its industry.
In conclusion the India International Animation and Cartoon Film Festival 2015 shall bring together experienced animators, students, delegates and opinion leaders in families.
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